Incarnate: The moon, Mars and beyond…the space race in 2020.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

The moon, Mars and beyond…the space race in 2020.

The moon, Mars and beyond…the space race in 2020.

Space missions of a startling variety and ambition are scheduled for launch this year. Indeed, space engineers have not planned so much activity – for both manned and robot projects – since the heady days of the space race between the United States and the Soviet Union in the 1960s. At last, humanity is returning to explore the heavens with renewed vigour.
However, it is not just the US and Russia that are dominating this year’s space agenda. India, Japan and China are all planning complex programmes and are vying to become space powers in their own rights. Their plans for 2020 include missions to the moon, Mars and the asteroids. At the same time, the US will inaugurate its Artemis programme, which will eventually lead to a series of manned deep-space missions and a space station that will orbit the moon later in the next decade. Europe will be closely involved in Artemis and will also send its first robot rover to Mars in 2020. For good measure, the United Arab Emirates plans to become a space power in 2020, with its own robot mission to the red planet.

The moon

China aims to become the third nation to bring samples of lunar soil back to Earth in the wake of US and Soviet successes decades ago. Its Chang’e 5 robot mission is scheduled to blast off from the Wenchang satellite launch centre in Hainan in late 2020. The purpose of the project – named after the Chinese moon goddess, Chang’e – is to collect about 2kg of lunar rocks and return them to Earth. A robot lander will scoop samples into an ascent vehicle, which will be blasted into space to dock automatically with a probe circling the moon. The samples will then be transferred to a capsule and fired back to Earth.
It will be a highly complex business involving several dockings and manoeuvres in orbit. By contrast, the last robot lunar sample return – accomplished by the Soviet Union’s 1976 Luna 24 mission – did so using a much simpler direct return. Chang’e 5’s more adventurous route is considered by many to be evidence that the Chinese are using the mission as a dress rehearsal for manned lunar landings in the near future.
Weighing 184 pounds (84 kilograms), Sputnik 1, a metal sphere with a diameter of 23 inches (58 centimeters), was launched by the Soviet Union into an elliptical low-Earth orbit, giving the Russians a first ‘win’ in the Space Race. The spacecraft completed an Earth orbit every 96.2 minutes and transmitted a series of beeps that could be monitored around the world.
US scientists are also planning a moon mission late next year – but on an even grander scale. The first of the country’s Orion capsules is scheduled for launch as part of an unmanned Artemis programme test flight. Orion will spend about three weeks in space, including six days orbiting the moon. The craft will have a complete life-support system and crew seats, but no crew. A European-built service module will play a key role in all Artemis missions. It will power Orion capsules after their launch from Nasa’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Future missions will be manned, however, with the ultimate aim being to land “the first woman and the next man” on the moon by 2024. A manned space station in lunar orbit, called Lunar Gateway, is also planned.
In addition, India is to send a new lander mission to the moon in November: Chandrayaan-3. It will attempt what its predecessor failed to achieve. Chandrayaan-2 was India’s first attempt at a lunar touchdown, but its main lander craft and robot rover crashed after a communication failure.


The fourth rock from the sun will become a focus of attention for space engineers this year. In July and early August, Earth and Mars will be in their best positions for craft to be sent to the latter. Nasa will take advantage of this launch window with its Mars 2020 rover, which will seek evidence that Mars was a place where water flowed and life could have evolved. It will also search for signs of ancient microbial life.
Mars 2020 will also mark the beginning of a highly ambitious, decade-long Martian exploration programme. The robot rover will drill for samples of the most promising rocks. It will place these in metal tubes, seal them and leave them in caches at designated sites on the planet’s surface. These caches will be collected by future joint European and US missions and brought back to Earth – by around 2030. About 500g of rock will be returned for scrutiny in laboratories across the world, which should transform our knowledge about past conditions on Mars.
The design of the Mars 2020 rover is based on Nasa’s successful Curiosity vehicle but has been upgraded with higher-resolution colour navigation cameras, an extra computer “brain” for processing images and making maps, and more sophisticated auto-navigation software.
In addition, Europe will send its own robot rover to Mars this year. In late July or early August, a Russian Proton rocket will blast a relatively small robot vehicle to Mars as part of the European Space Agency’s ExoMars project. The rover is British built and has been named Rosalind Franklin after the UK DNA pioneer. Using a drill able to penetrate two metres below the surface, it will retrieve material that has been shielded from the intense radiation that bombards Mars and which may contain evidence of past and possibly even present life on the planet. (Mars 2020 will not be able to drill this deep.)
However, ExoMars has already been delayed by technical problems, and recent failures of its parachute system in trials have caused real concerns for engineers who fear they might have to delay the mission further. Improved chute systems – which will slow the craft down before retro-rockets eventually land the probe, gently, on Mars after its nine-month space journey – are being tested. It is too early to know whether they will be ready for this summer’s launch, however. “It is going to be very tight getting the probe ready,” says ExoMars’s manager, Pietro Baglioni. “I think we have only a 50-50 chance that we will be able to go ahead as scheduled.” ExoMars’s next launch window would then be in 2022.


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